Dirty Laundry
April 2018
For the final project of my first semester of glass, we were tasked with combining something that we sandcasted in solid glass and an everyday object that we hate. I chose to use 2 pairs of sandcasted glasses that I polished a few clear spots in and then had a friend help me to blow a few large vases to put my dirty laundry in. I wanted to replicate the way that ancient civilizations used to store the vital organs of the deceased in beautiful vessels, but on a larger scale. Our clothes often give people a first impression of who we are and our personalities, so in a way they are just as important to our lives as our hearts and lungs. While the sandcasted glasses were difficult to see through because of the remaining sand, the polished spots allowed the viewer to pick up the various colors in the clothes and create a more beautiful experience.
Vessels: blown glass
Glasses: sandcasted, solid glass